The Endless Parade

The end of September was when it all began for me as a child. Entrenched in the middle of reading, multiplication tables, and state capitals, there was really only one thing constantly on my mind: the next few months would be a parade of holidays (and not so holy-days) and the opening ceremony was my birthday.
September 22nd, was the launch date for what would fuel the next few months of fall. Each 'event' would keep me for the next couple of weeks until the next big event occured. It was a simple and wonderful progression: Birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas. As the adrenaline rush was fading from one event, the anticipation of the next would take over.
My sister, who's birthday fell on the week before Thanksgiving, didn't have that nice even spacing. Yep, I had it good, and I knew it. My mom, who was the middle child of a large family, made sure our Birthdays were pretty awesome. I believe this was the result of her own birthday being no big deal in her childhood. Both my and my sister's birthdays were not just days but events.
I had no idea what an ordeal this was until I had my own kids. Now I am ever thankful for my mom's efforts towards my great memories. We try to do the same for our girls.
Sometimes I think that my Christianity is the same way as this chain of holidays. It seems as if I am merely clinging on until the next 'filling': from the words of a sermon, or, a great praise song. They hold me for the next few days and then I look forward to the next filling. There is something inately wrong in this:
John 4:11-14 (New King James Version)
11 The woman said to Him, “Sir, You have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. Where then do You get that living water?
12 Are You greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank from it himself, as well as his sons and his livestock?”
13 Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again,
14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”
Doesn't this imply our life in Christ will be ever abundant: full of zest and zeal? Our walk with God is ever-changing but God is ever-stable and His Word, as well as God Himself are available to us every our, every minute, of every day. Yet, sometime I wait for someone else to feed it to me. What is wrong with me?
It is great that I find such release in hearing about Him, or laboring for His causes, but the problem here is what will happen when people aren't able to 'feed' me or when events aren't 'fullfilling'. What will sustain me in those times of dryness that we all experience? I would love to believe it is the word that dwells in me, but I would rather know that this is the case.
My wife and I are in a busy season of our life, and things like prayer, and reading His word, and praising, are things that sometimes must be forced into our schedule, but God is still faithful. I am thankful for his fidelity, love and support. Even when I am not looking, He always is. I feel like He has put so many things in my life to remind me that He is watching out for me, and that he is merely a prayer away.
In this time of holiday madness, please think to take time and thank the creator of the universe, for taking time out to make life special, unique, and wonderful. In doing so, drink from His rich and ever-flowing cup and be quenched.
God Bless