I'm Not Normal
I'm not normal. I don't pretend to be, nor do I think that it is something I should desire. I am defective, imperfect, fragile, and… well… odd. If you looked at me on any given day, you might not notice it at first. I look like any other large oaf-like guy that you might run into. I might laugh, or share a quick joke. I might even share an experience much like one of your own. But make no mistake, the chinks in my armor are obvious and in the end, a schism exists between me and what is perceived as normal.
As I type this, I don't like admitting it, but it is true. Reflectively I can see how much easier it would be to be 'normal', yet that is not the path God has for my life. My likes and dislikes aren't 'the norm'. My passions and pursuits are not what many consider rational. Here I am pursuing a God of unending love, yet I fall so short in following his simplest of commandments.
Abnormality is a moniker for 'different'. What worries me a lot right now is that when I am at my church on any given Sunday, am I normal? Am I like everyone else around me? If I am, then isn't there something painfully wrong? When Christ walked the earth, His goal wasn't to bring the people to the Temple: He intended to bring the God of the Temple to the people. If we are truly following Him, then shouldn't our church be filled with both those who have fellowship with Him, AND those who are 'curious'? The pews should be a random collection of the normal and the abnormal.
Jesus tore the Temple Vail in two, He vanquished religiosity, and brought the realization that God was always tangible and in love with His creation. He was radical, magical, and far from normal. His words were electric, and His message wasn't for the normal. It was for the Tax collectors, prostitutes, orphans, widows, widowers, bikers, homosexuals, brides to be, bakers, engineers, even the lawyers and politicians. God extended His hand to liberate the masses with a reckless and compassionate love that only God possesses. I want to share His love with those who haven't experienced it. That means that I might have many un-church-like church goers in my church. PRAISE GOD! Let God's love abnormal-ize them too! There is plenty of room at God's abundant table.
As I look around my church I see like-minded people surrounding me. To them I am normal (well that may be pushing it a little, but you get my drift). I want a passion for God's people that makes me abnormal to those around me. Jesus said that a little leaven spoils the whole loaf. In His parable, he was using this as a negative. It can also be used positively. I want to be leaven to a dying world. I want to be a catalyst that spoils Satan's loaf. To do that, I can't just sit with the rest of the yeast: I must allow God to put me in the bread to create a reaction with the unleavened surroundings.
I must embrace abnormality, in the form of persecution, ruffling feathers, loving the unloved, helping without ulterior motives, moving away from my comfortable circles for the cause of Christ: The happy fool following by faith fearlessly. Lord, help me to be Your type of abnormal. Want to come with me?
God Bless
Labels: Evangelism, Normalilty, The Great Commision